Saturday, October 6, 2012

Netiquette for Netizens

If the bible has 10 commandments which tells Christians God's commands, the internet also has its 10 core rules for its users to follow:
1:Remember the human:
 This includes the golden rule:"Do not do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you".
2:Behave online as you behave in real life
Always think that people are behind computers... This rule is a back-up for number 1... almost
3:Know where you are in cyberspace
Look for FAQ's or Frequently Asked Questions....
"Lurk before you leap"- monitor the site for a few days and see if the topics are appropriate and if you can fit in.
4:Respect other people's time and bandwidth
Always remember that you are not the center of cyberspace... Always remember that some people pay at least P15 per hour at computer shops. Consider making your message short and to the point. Some people posts a lllloooooonnnnggg message and writing Joke lang! at the end.... They're rude and annoying, aren't they?
5:Make yourself good online
6:Share expert knowledge
7:Help keep flame wars under control
8:Respect other people's privacy
9:Don't abuse your power
10:Be forgiving of other people's mistakes

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